Saturday, April 16, 2011

How to Market Malaysian Chips

After one month selling Malaysian chips, we found a few marketing tactics and techniques to distribute our expanding amount of chips.

In one month, we visited the chips factory 3 times.
1st time; we bought chips valued almost RM300
2nd time, we bought chips valued almost RM200
3rd time, we bought chips valued almost RM800

As we couldn't gauge the buyers' preferences over which chips they love most; we wasted a lot on transportation fees (petrol, toll and time). This one month has been our learning period. Tired, beaten, demoralized but OUR SPIRIT IS ROARING. ^^ Could you see the dynamic? In a month we have spent close to RM1,300 on chips alone. This does not include the money spent for snacks and ice-cream.

Our marketing strategies:
  1. Create flyers - So far, we received very limited buyers with this method. Probably, the trust is not there.
  2. Request friends to distribute - They agreed to do it albeit reluctantly. As our friends are not as passionate in implementing the business like us.
  3. Sell to school students - Not the right targeted marketed. Students are not big spenders.
  4. Sell to government and private offices - Right on the mark
  5. Sell to university students - Right on the mark
  6. Request convenience / grocery stores to sell our chips - We don't like it as our chips' quality will be compromised.
The best way is to find direct distributors who are willing to sell the chips with an attractive commission package.

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